I would love to start a memorial garden for parents that have suffered Pregnancy and Infant Loss.
The law here, unfortunately, states that if a baby is lost before reaching 1kg or before 24 weeks gestation, the baby is treated as medical waste and incinerated with medical waste and amputated limbs. This often leaves the parents distraught as they cannot get the closure that often goes with burying your child.
We would like to start a memorial garden for those parents, where they can get together on 15 October on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day to plant a tree in remembrance of their little ones that were taken too soon. Also, so they can have plaques made, benches put up so they have a tangible place to go to when they want to pay their respects.
I feel in my heart that this will help them cope with the grief they are experiencing and help form a community of support that parents can benefit from immensely.
It would be a dream come true if even just one person can find closure in planting a tree in remembrance of not only a life lost, but also a lifetime of dreams and hopes for that child.
We would appreciate any sort of donations that will help us fulfil our dreams.
Thank you in advance.