R0 of R20 000 raised

The story starts with our family feud and my father was sued by his brother. At the end of the day my father has been sequestrated due the greed of my unethical uncle. My Father and Mother have been trying everything to keep the family off the streets. They were selling offal to the local location (Dec 14th, 2017) and whilst they were packing up three armed men had approached them and request that they give the money, which my father had provided them with, but after he had given them everything each of them had proceeded to shoot him in the legs in front of my mother. They proceeded to put the gun to his head.

My mother climbed over my father and begged them to please not shoot him again and to which one of the armed men said “We don’t want to hurt you” and then fled. From then on it was a struggle to get my father to the hospital as he is a big and heavy man, 1 of the three bullets had gone through his vascular artery and he was loosing a lot of blood. By the time they got him to the hospital, he had lost a lot of blood and was unconscious. They had to rush to get blood into him and get him stabilized, which thank god they did (Thank you to Da Noon Hospital for all your hard work). After they had stabilized him, he was then transferred to Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town for scans on how to continue with surgery to remove the bullets, but due to the process having taken longer than 6 hours the calf muscles in his right leg had started deteriorating and the end result his leg had to be amputated from the knee downwards.

Now this is where my plea comes in, we don’t have the funds, for medical bills as well as to try and get my father a prosthetic. My father has always been an active man working on cars, building things and just having a good time and I would really love to see my father walk again. So if you could find the kindness in your heart to help us it would be greatly appreciated.


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Donation Total: R10.00