My name is ROCKY (THE LEGEND). I was found by residents of Muizenberg, dragging my hind legs behind me at 10.30pm on the 22/11/17. My humans abandoned me, possibly due to an advanced degenerative myelopathy – which means I suffer from severe loss of use of my hind legs. This has certainly not crushed my spirit. I have loads of love and licks to give, but most of all I want to run like Forest Gump again.
My rescuers called me “Rocky” because of my fighting spirit and they’re not wrong, I still have so much living to do, but here’s the crunch. If I am going to run and feel the breeze in my fur, I am going to need very special and intensive care – I will need at least 2-3 chiropractor sessions per week, a specialised diet, and veterinary care.
As you all know I am not ROCKA FELLA, I’m ROCKY THE LEGEND, therefore I am going to need some help getting the funds together as I still want to have many years of playing, walking, running, and exploring. Please help my rescue team and I raise funds so that I can have many more good years ahead of me. Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
Many woofs of thanks.
Puppy hugs and licks,