R150 of R100 000 raised

I started this project as I saw what was happening to domestic animals in the streets and in the locations and it broke my heart. So I decided to take this on and help as many as I can.

Unfortunately, I don’t earn much as I am 53 years old, but I am trying to make a difference. Please, I need support just to pay outstanding vet bill and just to have some money in the vet account if I encounter any medical assistance for the animals. My project is also to try and find a property that is big enough to build some kennels and home some of these animals. I come across lots of animals who have no shelter, so please if there is a farmer in Cape Town that is not using all his land that could help.

Please support me. This is my plea, please support my dream. I love animals and it is so sad to see how they are suffering, I work with them every day and see it all.


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Donation Total: R10.00