Today I would like to ask for help to raise money to start my own business. To build a future for my little boy who is now 5 months old. I have been through rough patches in my life and I know this business will be a breakthrough for me for good future for my little boy.
Due to bad decision’s I lost my car, my job, my apartment, been cheated on and so much more just in a span of 3 years … leaving me pregnant, alone, jobless, homeless and with no transport.
I am so grateful for my little boy. He is my hero that keeps me going every day and my parents for letting me stay with them, until I get back onto my feet.
Struggling to get a job and this feeling inside of me to make a success of myself and now is my chance, but I know I will get stuck in the system if I start to work for a boss again and never reach my dreams.
I know asking for money feels so wrong, but I don’t know where else to go. All I know going backwards isn’t one of them anymore, knowing I just want to make my little baby proud.
Thank you for your time and any sort of donation will be greatly appreciated to fulfil my dream