I’m a young entrepreneur that started an FB page about embracing natural hair, as a social page, but also to uplift young women through self-care and love, by encouraging them to embrace their natural hair not just for beauty purposes, but also as a healthier way of living. I also started a T-shirt brand to help pay for the salon’s upkeep with what was left of my salary. I did this at a time I was really depressed, because I was in a job that made me sick, due to stress and workplace bullying, so I quit.
Due to lack of finances, I couldn’t complete my studies so it was near impossible to find a job as a designer. As the demand on my page grew for advice I decided to start teaching the ladies how to manage their hair and also encourage them to meet face to face, so I opened a home-based salon. However, I have no capital to register and patent my brand and recently experienced someone copying my brand and concept. I’m currently unable to even make rent so my salon space will soon be no more. I’m hoping to ask the help of those following my page and other to help me make a success of my business.
It is already active and I have a big client base. The problem is I have no money to actually establish the business as it’s a bit expensive to maintain, as equipment costs a lot. I would love to have my own website too. I had no idea it would become so popular. It’s a bit difficult getting investors that really believe in your work where I’m from. Hopefully, this will help me in the pursuit to build a healthier community and also as motivation to others that anything is possible if you believe in the goodness of people.
This will help me to pursue my dreams. I do believe that the only thing standing between me and my destiny is a lack of finance. Please help me help others.
Thanking you in advance for your contributions.