Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I had saved enough money by working hard at my last IT contract job, I bought an R5 000, 150cc Red Vuka Scooter, on Thursday 3rd of April, to get to job interviews and hopefully to and from a good job soon. I currently reside at Haven Night Shelter in Retreat, Cape Town. Lovely place. I am blessed. I am clean and sober. I attend AA meetings and a Christian Church group.
After the scooter broke down twice in the first few days of ownership, it was stolen from where it broke down on Sunday 6th. I had not managed to arrange insurance on my very unreliable new scooter. Lesson learned. Don’t buy from Mark The Scooter Man here in Fish Hoek Cape Town. And insure your bike before you leave the place you bought it from. It would have been about R150 a month. Peanuts I know. I feel rather silly actually.
I am currently at the Fish Hoek library every day looking for work, and doing some self-improvement reading. I spent my last money on this bike, and now I am struggling to get the money together to catch a train for planned job interviews. Or even from the shelter to the library, as they kindly have complimentary WiFi I may use.
I really need some help and assistance. Yours hopefully. It would truly be a huge blessing if I could fund a replacement scooter. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your return on your investment would be knowing that you helped a good young man back on his feet and back to a productive and respectful member of the community, after some unfortunate circumstances, and wrong/bad decisions. There is a great job in AV and Broadcasting that I have had 2 interviews for, but I need wheels to enable me to get, secure and do this job, or any job really.
Please help and donate to buy me a new scooter.
Thank you in advance for your contributions.