by Publisher1 | Dec 15, 2020
FLIGHT ATTENDANT DREAM – GOAL R 20 000 R0 of R20 000 raised My name is Kezlynn. I am a 21 year old female and i live in South Africa. I have a passion for travelling and helping others. Currently i am unemployed and not attending a college or university. I...
by Publisher1 | Dec 3, 2020
CALL CENTRE FUNDAMENTAL COURSE – GOAL R 50 000 R0 of R50 000 raised The Training and skills program is for the unemployed and youth. When they walk through our door, they have little practical training and experience, but when they leave, they will be...
by SLamprecht | Jun 18, 2018
IRELAND COACHING COURSE – GOAL R15 000 R1,300 of R15,000 raised I am a young aspiring rugby coach. Knowledge is the fundamental key to anyone’s growth, and so I would like to go on a coaching course to Ireland to enhance my rugby knowledge and contribute...
by SLamprecht | Apr 10, 2018
INFANT DROWN PROOFING COURSE – GOAL R20 000 R1,650 of R20,000 raised I am an enthusiastic swimming teacher with a passion for teaching children to swim and be drown proof. I have been offered a space in a course in Egypt to learn from one of the best swimming...
by Publisher1 | Apr 4, 2018
FUNDING FOR AQUA VET I COURSE – GOAL R 70 000 R0 of R70,000 raised I am a young veterinarian working on becoming certified as a specialist in aquatic animal health and I need to attend Aqua vet I, a globally recognised course, to earn the necessary credit that...