My parents aren’t able to afford my studies and I’m looking for a job at the moment but it’s been super tough because jobs are very scarce in South Africa especially for the youth. So if I could get any kind of help and support, it would honestly be greatly appreciated.
I would love to become a nail and lash tech and once I’m at a good place. I can save up some money to eventually move out and also help my parents financially in the meantime. I’m never the type of person to ask for anything. I’m always on my own, doing everything by myself but I’m really lost and desperate for help and feel like I’m running out of time. So if anyone would like to help, you’re more than welcomed to. No pressure to anyone. I just really need some help please.
Thank you so much to everyone for reading and donating. It honestly means the world to me and it’ll go to a good cause. I won’t waste a cent on nothing but studies. I promise.
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