R0 of R96 000 raised

Amalia means ASPIRATIONS (Hope or the ambition of achieving something)

Amalia was born on the 22 June 2017. At the age of 7 months Amalia has been diagnosed with:

Dandywalker Malformation– a rare congenital malformation that involves the cerebellum and fourth ventricle. Dandy Walker is characterised by genesis or hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, a cystic dilatation of the fourth centrical and enlargement of the posterior fossa – this syndrome goes together with:

  • Complete agenesis of the corpus collosum (absence of the middle part of the brain)
  • Hydrocephalus (water on the brain)
  • Cortical Vision Impairment
  • She gets infantile spasms (these are seizure that she gets daily)

She is currently working with a Neuropead at Sunninghill hospital, as well as the Occupational Therapist, a Sensory Therapist, a Speech Therapist and a Physio Therapist. This team will be working to help Amalia achieve all her Motor Skills as well as her development throughout her Life.

Little Amalia requires treatment for 2 months, so for 2 months she has to go for 2 injections a day, 1 injection costs  R770, so we are trying to assist the family in raising some of the funds. This will stop the seizures and allow the brain to develop.

Please help us support this little angel.

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Donation Total: R1.00