Education is viewed as a necessity but priced as a luxury. It is unfortunately a luxury studenst living below the poverty line cannot afford it. As a result, they’re systematically excluded and subjected to even further poverty.
In a country where there is no socio-economic balance, appealing to the moral compass of private stakeholders is one of the few resorts to improving the situation. It’s an even bigger disadvantage that even those who are granted admission to university, find themselves in debt upon completion of their studies – free education, even though being discussed, has not fully materialized through effective legislation and policy.
In my personal capacity, there’s not much I can do. I’m a student (activist) at the University of Free-State, Bloemfontein (UFS), in South Africa, and witness the sad reality my peers face, annually. Campaigns such as Right2Learn, serve the same purpose of raising funds for underprivileged students, but often cannot accommodate all students in need of funding.
Any and all donations are welcome. – The future of our country, and the world at large, depends heavily on the educated and conscious youth.