R500 of R10 000 raised

My Brother Delano Meyers started a rehab centre to improve the lives of recovering drug addicts, with 20 patients at a time. Our country is facing a huge drug dependency crisis, A SECOND CHANCE aims to assist drug and alcohol addicts change their lives.

A second chance actively takes each person through the 12 step program to gradually integrate all patients into society. We therefore need your help to make our efforts go even further. The centre was opened In June 2023 and is in the process of registering as a non profit organisation.

The SARS donation certificate will be available once the non-profit is registered. We kindly ask for your support to help the centre. The centre is in need of non-perishable food, bedding, clothing, furniture, old functional laptops and printers that will help them update CVs to look for work ,stationary and monetary donations .

The centre is located in Ennerdale, south of Johannesburg. We are willing to collect donations in and around Johannesburg. We fight drug addiction on our knees, no matter how the storms are raging we stay rooted In prayer 🙏🏽

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time

Fundraising, Crowdfunding, Click ‘n Donate Worldwide, Fundraising South Africa, Crowdfunding USA, Crowdfunding UK, Fundraising Australia, Fundraising New Zealand, gofundme.com, gofundmeSA, gofundmeSouthAfrica, crowdfunding fundraising South Africa, Click n Donate, Go fund me, Backabuddy, Thundafund, Indiegogo, gogetfunding