R0 of R50 000 raised


As Prisca Security Services throughout the year, we have seen different types of families thus other families find it difficult to maintain their families, therefore, we have decided to lend a helping hand to such families, but we won’t be able to do this on our own without your assistance.

Our target is to help 15 people from each province as our company is based in two provinces, this means that we are focusing provincial level not only in Northern Cape and Free State.

Our Purpose

The main purpose of this cause is to assist those families with sanitary products, cosmetics, and food parcels special those who have children as they are our future leaders. Those children find it difficult to pay attention at school due the hunger and in a long run some of them drop out of school with aim of finding a job so that they can put food on the table, some give it to the crime so that they can feed their siblings.

Some children go to school barefoot or wear torn shoes, it is hard to see a child during rainy weather or winter seasons with nothing covering their little feet, and for the girls, their parents can not afford even sanitary pads during the month.

We will greatly appreciate it if the community joins PRISCA SECURITY SERVICES for boys at any age., nonperishable food items, as well as sanitary pads for our girls’ and any person, who will lend a helping hand.

MAKE A DONATION (Select Amount)

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Donation Total: R100.00

]NB: Kindly note, donations are non-refundable, thank you.

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