I lost my husband a month ago after years of medical battles. He had emphysema and lived on oxygen for 8 years. I knew it was coming, but no one can ever prepare for something like this. I am broken. I have lost half of myself. I am numb and in terrible pain at the same time. I have since lost my home, all its contents, my own car, my business. I have lost everything that mattered to me. I have not been given a day to grieve as yet. Debtors are knocking down my door. That’s how I lost it all.
Now I don’t even have enough money left to pay the remainder of the debts. I have no money to start a new life. I have no lust for a new life just yet. I just want to grieve. I want the opportunity to grieve in peace in a quiet place alone. Debtors taken care of and then a healing journey. I cannot do this anymore. I live in my sister’s spare bedroom right now. I have no education and barely any skills. Where will I find a job now? I can’t even care for myself at the moment as I am not healing.
I am constantly worrying about all the sharks after me. They have no sympathy. I just need time to be alone on a journey where I can heal. Put the pieces of the puzzle back together if I can. I do want to try. But the fight is not inside me now. I have fought all I can and managed to save nothing. I miss my husband and cannot move on. He meant the universe to me. I am a 30 year old widow.
Please help my cause