My name is Anne Heffren. I’m a high school student in South Africa who has taken on a project to raise funds for a disabled chimpanzee named Chocolat. I found out about this brave chimpanzee recently and I strongly believe that her story must be heard.
About 14 years ago, an innocent baby chimp only a few weeks into the world was shot whilst in the loving arms of her mother. As the bullet tore through her fragile flesh she fell to the ground, her mother’s protective arms lay as stiff as stone and her baby who bled hopelessly became a victim of human cruelty towards chimpanzees.
The baby’s last cries had been heard and soon a warrior’s arms held her away from the men who carry ear deafening guns and sharp machetes ready to slaughter all vulnerable creatures.
Graziella Cotman, has dedicated her life to carrying for this baby chimpanzee whom she named Chocolat. Her pure loving heart towards this beautiful intelligent animal is unconditional. They both live in Kenya, but Graziella has recently been ill, she is now in her middle 70s. She has lived her life giving back to Chocolat, her selfless, caring and pure soul inspired me and I hope it inspires you too. But Graziella will not be there for Chocolat forever that is why we need your help.
I need your help. Chocolat had suffered severe injuries during those gunshots which penetrated various nerve systems in her brain and the impact of the bullets hitting her back-bone has resulted in paralysis of half her body. Graziella has tried contacting several veterinarians but has struggled financially to improve Chocolat’s condition.
I’m just an ordinary 18 year old who wants to make a change and I’ve found a passion in helping Chocolat but I can’t do it alone. Chocolat needs your help.
Here is what you will be contributing towards :
- Finding a vet willing to examine Chocolat’s paralysis. As well as paying for Chocolat’s usual medical needs.
- Improving her living conditions whilst assuring her basic needs are met.
- Safety and Love, when you share her story you are not only helping to raise awareness on chimpanzee cruelty happening across Africa but you are ensuring that this issue is taken into consideration and a difference can be made to save more injured chimpanzee across Africa.
Thank you for simply reading this article. But I cannot tell you how much it would mean if you shared this page with your friends and family, because together we can make a difference and make an everlasting change
And if you’ve donated to Chocolat, you can be assured that you’ve done the right thing, no animal should be suffering from our cruel actions towards them, they are innocent.
Fact: Chimpanzees share roughly 90% of their DNA with humans but they are being slaughtered for their meat in parts of Africa. What can you do to fight against this?
Thanking you in advance.