Every year, over 3500 South African Children are abandoned to hospitals by their Mothers.
Two doctors that had previously worked at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital encountered and cared for babies abandoned to the hospital after birth. These mothers abandoned their babies, because they felt incapable of caring for and raising their newborns. They choose to abandon them to the care of hospitals, seeing them as better equipped for the needs of their babies.
In truth, hospitals do not have the specific resources for abandoned babies. They can only provide them with basic healthcare, while they await placement in various institutions or homes. A loving, stable environment is critical to a baby’s first few weeks. It is essential if they are to develop healthy relationships later in life. So important is this stage, that it will be the foundation of their entire social perception with the world.
We recognize the negative effects of abandonment. It is our mission to help every child find a home. To that end, Dr Zindoga, Dr Mary-Joe Stevens and Anastasia Posokhov created the Thalitha Children’s Trust. Operating as an NPO, the Trust devotes itself to providing care for abandoned infants.
The trust is registered for the 2019 Discovery 947 Cycle Challenge and our team of riders is cycling across Johannesburg for these vulnerable babies.
We would appreciate your support and generosity.
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/WUqi1xS7SR8 Campaigners Social media Links: https://www.facebook.com/thalithatrust/
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