My Princess is 10 and should have a happy, stress-free life, but ADHD will not allow it.
She was diagnosed at 4 years of age, it was like a switch flipped in my little baby, and our lives were turned upside down. We have struggled along for the past 6 years, doing what we can for her. Her social awkwardness has become a mountain for her, ITS NOT RIGHT, no child should have to feel left out or pushed to one side.
The sad thing is, medical aids do not consider ADHD as a chronic condition, hence there are some months I cannot afford her medication. This affects her most of all, and it’s MY fault. We have made an appointment for her on the 2nd of April to see a pediatric neurologist, and the costs will floor our little family. It is a sacrifice I will do willingly for my Princess, she deserves it, every child does.
I am asking today for your assistance.
Please help me to help my baby live a better life.