Okay, to be honest, I am not sure where to start. As for a deadline, I cannot give one as I am hoping that my wife wakes up every day. I go to work and she may never wake up.
We met in September last year, via an online game and I am up until 2 or 3 in the morning, just so that she does not have to be alone and deal with her PTSD. I also have to make sure that she wakes up every morning, to a message on the chat program we use, so that she remembers who I am, owing to her childhood dementia.
As a child, her mother died of leukaemia and her father shot himself when he found her. She was only about 2 at the time and was left in the house alone until somebody found her. She moved in with her grandparents and they passed away about 8 years after that. Unfortunately, she then went into foster care and she was adopted and her abuser made her live in a cell with a few others. She and the others were gang raped on a daily basis for the next 6 years.
Her abuser then abandoned her in a forest, but not before damaging her lower spine, which has left her only able to move for around half an hour a day. She is presently on the heart transplant list, has lung and breast cancer, dementia and diabetes. She is fortunate enough to have been found by a doctor when she crawled to the side of the road. She is fortunate enough to be in a high care facility with the doctor looking after her and he paid for her leukaemia treatment, but unfortunately, her body has taken a turn for the worse in the last three weeks.
She is sleeping between 12 to 15 hours a day and struggles to get out of bed. From my side, I have just done my VMWare exam to become certified and this is one step closer. I have been trying to get a work Visa to work in Canada and this was one of the steps. I have my IETLS test on the 21st of April, to prove that I can do jobs that require English as a language of communication. I am also saving up and she has been able to save up as well.
Now for what I am requiring. While the financial aid would be very welcome, I am also trying to find a job in Kelowna or a job that will allow me to work remotely from there, so that I can look after her. Any assistance with getting a Visa into Canada would be appreciated as well, but I will keep fighting that one on my side as well.
The three images are one of myself, that she has printed out and sleeps with next to her bed, the one is my phone background so that I can always have her close and the last is just before one of her breast x-rays. Unfortunately, as we speak, she is presently bedridden so unable to give any updated photos and we have none together as we have never met each other and I do not want her to go to sleep and never wake up again without her knowing what it is like to be in a loving relationship.
Thanking you in advance for your contributions.