R700 of R100 000 raised

My sister and I both have mental health issues which are very hard for normal people to understand, and sometimes leads to unfortunate situations for us. I myself have gone through this and I must say that it was hell on earth, this is why I am asking for help I have overcome most of my mental health problems and adapted my life around it, but my sister is now in the same situation I was or maybe even worse as she has two children.

Currently she is divorced with two children aged 8, and 9 both boys, they are clever and smart little buggers too. My sister has a thyroid problem caused by an autoimmune disorder, and her hormones are completely out of balance, and amplifies her mental problems by 10, she is very unstable and cannot take care of herself or anyone else, she has suicidal behavior for a few weeks now, and I need to get her the proper help that she needs.

Unfortunately I have also lost my job a few weeks ago and I am still waiting on interviews. My sister and I have no medical aid, not savings left.

If I cannot get my sister healthy again, I fear that she may lose custody over her kids, and she could harm herself at any moment, this will destroy our family completely.

Please assist me, in my mission to save my sister and our small family.

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time

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