My fiancé has been to see numerous doctors and they are not able to figure out what’s wrong with him. They keep diagnosing him with a chest infection but it’s been 4 months and he’s still coughing. He’s even been to a public hospital with still no improvement. He’s getting worse by the day and we can’t afford to get him better treatment.
He’s suffering from terrible pain, anaemia, coughing, fever, abdominal pain and the list goes on. He’s lost 20kg in 2 months and has no muscles left. It hurts me to see him suffer so greatly and all I can do is watch and hear him cry out in pain, knowing I can’t afford to help him. For him to just sleep day in and day out at 27 wasn’t what we had in mind for the future. I can’t send him to get blood tests or scans or better hospitals or specialists.
Please if anyone can help I would be grateful. I love him and I want to see him get better. I really don’t want to lose the man I love just because I couldn’t get him treated.
I feel like I’m failing as his partner because I can’t make the pain go away or help him. I’m not sure how much it will cost to be truly honest but his life is worth a lot to me.
I would greatly appreciate any sort of donations to help my fiancé get treatment.
Thank you in advance.