R14 900 of R50 000 raised

My name is Monique, mother of 3 beautiful children and an amazing husband. I live in Cape Town, South Africa.

I have recently been diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and don’t have medical aid. The treatment and journey is going to be tough as well as financially challenging.
With your help I can supplement treatment costs, medication costs and everything in between. With your help I would be able to worry about one less thing (funds) and focus on my treatment and beating cancer and getting back to my life as I knew it before.

If you in the means to donate to my cause, I would be eternally grateful.

Thank you all so much.

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time

Fundraising, Crowdfunding, Click ‘n Donate Worldwide, Fundraising South Africa, Crowdfunding USA, Crowdfunding UK, Fundraising Australia, Fundraising New Zealand,, gofundmeSA, gofundmeSouthAfrica, crowdfunding fundraising South Africa, Click n Donate, Go fund me, Backabuddy, Thundafund, Indiegogo, gogetfunding