The Problems started in December 2016 when my husband fell through a warehouse roof about 20 Meters down, doctors couldn’t believe he survived with just a broken leg and a few deep wounds. We were under the impression the hospital bills were covered by Getsavvi health, but later found out they were not. This lead to us losing our first home of 5 years in Bredell because we fell behind with the rent. We spent our last month there without electricity. We managed to find another place. Thus far we have managed to keep the rent up to date after
We spent our last month there without electricity. We managed to find another place. Thus far we have managed to keep the rent up to date after our landlord gave us a few months reduced rent rate to try and help us get back on our feet. We have fallen behind on school fees and are under pressure to get them up to date before my son’s younger brother starts next year. My eldest son needs to go for Occupational and Speech therapy. We have joined a medical aid in hope that these therapies will be covered. It has taken a large amount off my salary adding to the pressure. I am not covered by the medical aid for pregnancy and am trying to pay off a midwife to deliver our baby due in Feb 2018. I have so far only managed 1 instalment. We are trying to pay off the car we use to get to work and back as that recently broke down too. So our petrol cost has now gone up to R1100 a week to get the kids to school and ourselves to work and back. Our children missed a week of school last week, because we did not have the money to get them to school.
We have joined a medical aid in hope that these therapies will be covered. It has taken a large amount of my salary adding to the pressure. I am not covered by the medical aid for pregnancy and am trying to pay off a midwife to deliver our baby due in Feb 2018. I have so far only managed 1 installment. We are trying to pay off the car we use to get to work and back as that recently broke down too. So our petrol cost has now gone up to R1100 a week to get the kids to school and ourselves to work and back. Our children missed a week of school last week because we did not have the money to get them to school.
If we could just get some help with the arrears on the school fees, the remaining midwife cost and the repair of the car costs, I am sure we could get back on track. We would appreciate any help from anybody in the position to help and from anybody that would like. Thanking you sincerely.