Hope someone out There understand my problem and that someone would be able to bless me or help me with a donation to help with better living standards this beautiful country that I live in
I thank you in advance.
Good day I’m a low paid citizen in South Africa and wish to be able to live a ordinary life without any big home loan. At the moment my home loan are killing me and the monthly repayment is more than half of my monthly salary,
After Covid it became worse as all interest rate basis point went up significantly high and yearly salary increase was very low. This became a problem to make ends meat of day to day expenses and its at the stage that I am short every month, trying to survive but without success. This resulting in making me short on a bigger cash flow every month after payday and less cash to be able to afford proper food and /or day to day expenses rustling to be blacklisted. No affordable loans or money for it left . Hope someone out there understand my problem and that someone would be able to bless me or help me to become a better living person.
I thank you in advance
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